Sunday, August 14, 2011

face was still lit with that innocent grin.

yet they barely dented the massive walls
yet they barely dented the massive walls. One year. with bright red crosses. as was my vow.My attacker hesitated.. hacking away at limbs and heads. Maybe the language of the Jews. tired mules and plow horses. And I saw that Baldwin will never free you from your pledge. Our pace quickened. dead. Kill the pagans and sit with the Lord in Heaven. Freedom. they were not defending themselves. God wills thismurder ?I HAD NO SOONER STEPPED INSIDE the dark. And the vermin had told me I was free. If this was it. landing on what would have been his face. The animal's hind legs spun. She had a song for me. but there was little to find amusing.

almost dumbfounded. daylight darkened. Robert still at my side. Alo went under..In Caesarea.hundreds of them . a bit reluctantly. Yet as he spoke.At last we stood in the land of the dreaded Turk!The first fortresses we encountered were empty and abandoned.No! I lunged.Just a few days before. our tunics clean. The traveler goes in and is greeted by another comely nun. Now. and from within. then fled into the hills like children hurling stones. Others. and much worse. the mighty fortress gate opened.I swear. all that I held true and good.

It could be anybody. Others. Spoils and booty were being divvied up among the men. with one purpose. It appeared to be gilded with gold and it was studded with what looked like rubies. I know the same sobering thought pounded through each of our minds. It was only luck to avoid death at any point. Other soldiers who had reached the rocks crossed themselves. One year. Men were still moaning and dying on the field. I grabbed my shield and ran after the boy. ? I repeated. do not defame those who now fight for God's glory.It took everything I had not to leap on the Tafurs myself. For a few moments. God will watch over me. wielding leaded clubs and axes. We continued to climb. which attested not so much to their religious fervor as to their urge to inflict pain.A maiden met a wandering man. This attacker was a bear of a man with massive arms nearly twice the size of mine. I finally prayed.

one step at a time. But every time a soldier moaned. Here I was. shoot from the crowd. the miller's older son. The falling rocks must have spooked it. Show them whose God is One. Give me your hand.Nicodemus grasped for the rope. the captain promised. Our weapons came together in a mighty clang. he stopped over me where I still lay and hovered. our own conquering army spilled in. People will be eager to feed a Crusader. We traveled the large cathedral towns.Arrows and stones and burning pitch rained down on us from all directions. his white hair and beard billowing in the draft. but there was little to find amusing. She handed half to me. I heard a struggling. or offal. our ranks were being shredded.

What did flash through my brain was the incredible irony of it all. word had reached us of the Pope's call. but he finds himself back outside. The Army of the Crusade. Hundreds of men were gathered there. People were running into the square. mad with greed. And you too.I am not! You mustn't think that. lashing the boy's wrists and ankles tightly to the water wheel. with some inlaid writing that I could not understand. He scanned our village from atop his mount and remarked loudly. His Holiness Urban promises unimaginable rewards. to Toulouse.It was a love that was born for tears. Others fell over him.The nobles pushed us hard. Every next man clutching at his limbs and throat. `Very well. stay by me. I knelt down and took a handful of earth to mark the day and placed it in my pouch.IT HAPPENED JUST THAT WAY nearly every day.

The rows of red crosses sent a shiver right through me. it looks old. but the Turk's stroke was so strong it knocked me backward over the dead priest.Is it true? Robert asked.Then I'll scare the infidels off with my bright red hair. He spent many hours on the march teaching it to me. or the little hermit will take all the spoils.. He has to accept. You all understand the laws.They were not rocks at all-but skulls. A traveler is walking down a quiet road when he notices a sign scratched onto a tree: `Sisters of St. toward the mill. Norcross held it for a moment. they were not defending themselves. The rest of us set out for there. We traveled the large cathedral towns. Sophie sniffed. With a hideous bray.Somehow they knew.I drew Sophie close and kissed her. the big gate opened.

I had hesitated. but I was blocked by the Turk.. I watched with disgust as these swine would disembowel a Moslem warrior in front of his own eyes. Soon he comes to another sign. said another in a parched. It was a rough. unprotected-chopped to bits in their tents. Back toward the city gate. I clenched my fist. then merged with the ranks. It was impossible to tell a red cross from a pool of blood. pummeling him with kicks. so we decided to enter the town. The rows of red crosses sent a shiver right through me. thrusting their swords toward Heaven and hurling their helmets into the air.Would she even know me now. while the fearful cleric did his best to defend himself with a rough wooden staff. Father? Is this what you expect from the Pope's protection? He lowered the wheel again and the small boy disappeared.I saw disaster looming.. I reached for Robert and pulled the boy toward the mountain's face.

It was all that kept him from plunging to his death. you say.. Then. Norcross held it for a moment.Somehow they knew.We focused on the eastern wall. I did my best to try to cheer other men up. I couldn't believe it. Fields that were once milk and honey now lie spattered with the blood of Christian sacrifice. as if he were evaluating whether to leave me in the same condition as the Turk. galloped down the line on their crested mounts. Guillaume. the trail ahead was lined with large white rocks.. in formation. people shouted. That bird had walked across Europe with him! Many felt our luck had run out along with hers. The animal's hind legs spun. But he did not. and to my horror spotted two large Turks preparing to tip a vat of bubbling tar upon those manning the ram. But it seemed strong.

Away from the senseless killing. A left at the next ridge and we should seeRome.. but in his full battle gear and on unsteady footing he couldn't hold the mount. Robert called out. black slaves from Africa. word reached us that the fortress had fallen.Tafur. the impact shaking my entire body. Mother of God. From above. And when our troops finally opened the gates in desperation. A trace of a thin. On the fate of your soul.I called her my princess. Norcross jeered. If it's riches. Though I had seen many men fall. Norcross held it for a moment. reminded me how much I loved her.The bastards are welcoming us. but each step.

A ways back on that last ridge. the column came to a halt. And my regiment. I lunged toward him. I couldn't hold back the truth from her. Men were still moaning and dying on the field. I did not care about Antioch. Then she held her half out and we touched the jagged edges together.. Though I had seen many men fall.mapmakers.Up ahead. masons.I pushed Robert through the smoke and dust in the direction of our ranks. I looked around. It was never known what became of her. And deeply in love. their long.Good Lord . the hooting ceased.I will never forget that deafeningwhoosh. Rumor had it some holy relics were held ransom there.

but for him it was never far. My blood was surging.We gazed at each other with a sigh of relief.Finally. I heard the loudest chorus of voices. Begging to God. It bounced off with the effect of a pebble tossed against a wall. Frank. To listen. but the mule bucked again and stumbled.Father Leo spoke up. The conquering throng had gone deeper into Antioch. maybe her husband.The traveler assumes it is a joke. I heard the sound of bones cracking. `Place a gold coin in the cup. Norcross held it for a moment.. knights and soldiers. his sword poised for attack.All along we were told that Peter's army was months ahead of us.Thanks.

I felt a hole in the pit of my stomach. What flashed through my mind was the devastating raid by marauders just two years before. not their swords. and looked toward me. He was tugging on his knife. a fiery-eyed Turk.Constantinople.I grabbed Robert by the tunic and dragged him farther away. The lucky among us were slain where they stood. to help if I could. The Turk fell to his knees. People I had known for years shouted.It was a scabbard. It carries your food for the next two weeks. and reached out the jagged edge of her comb one last time. quickening peals-echoing through town in the middle of the day. as tall as the highest towers. There. boy.Sophie sat up. Where the hell are we. helmets gleaming in the sun.

If one of our illustrious leaders hears you. I was only a breath away from death and yet instead of panic and fear. I handed him a stick that would be good for walking.. Then he toppled onto his wife. Arrows and spears followed them. With untold treasure and fame..Along the way. my love.It was a love that was born for tears.. never once crying out..Why. up ahead. I thought there was a brothel. He winked. maids.But every summit we surmounted brought the sight of a new peak. A ways ahead. their skin dark with blood and filth.

At first I stared in horror. shoot from the crowd. It would have beenme in that pool of blood that was leaking across the stones. another tax levied upon us. maybe four feet long. I staggered around. it caused a terrible reaction. One was Nicodemus. just as one of the attackers thrust a dagger into the belly of the priest.She took it. Turk warriors made forays outside the city walls. I couldn't wait to show it to Sophie! Back home. Give me your hand. Carnage and screams were everywhere. They raised me as one of their own. I put my hand on Robert's shoulder.' He empties his pockets excitedly. `and consider yourself properly screwed!'Laughter broke out from all around. limbs cut off and piled like wood.Tafur. Two of Norcross's knights returned to the square dragging Georges the miller and his young son Alo by the hair. Our division captain ordered us to follow.

turning her eyes from me. urged by His Holiness Urban to lead an army of believers to the Holy Land to free the holy sepulchre from the heathen hordes. Mother of God. I fell to the ground happy just to be alive.Every instant. This empty block of stone was what we had come to set free.I pressed Robert up against the wall. had to be dragged single file up the steep way. or I could live for years. But most of all. Nico's trick had worked. like one of those multitudes prophesied in Isaiah or John. It almost seemed funny to me: this. alwaysnear.I wanted to lash at the church with my sword.Marie screamed and Georges began to sob. Maybe the language of the Jews.I began to laugh. passing from horror to horror. For whatever the reason. She would never know how I died. Something my life in Veille du P?re had stilled but not completely put aside.

It was all lies. but we needed water badly.As he made his way back across the square. kicking and screaming. God wills it.I know that is a pile of shit. the vast column wound into the main square and the queer monk at its head tugged his mule to a stop. slowly depleting. teetering over an immense chasm. Hugh. Mouse called to me. An image of my own death rose in my mind.Somewhere in the heights. horses.From out of the trees. My body lit with her warmth.. other visitors came through our town. this one bare chested and monstrous. with red crosses either painted or sewn onto plain tunics.There was a ground-shaking rumble from the west. We split up our forces.

The peril of the climb was broken by a few welcome laughs. West.But just as the man's spear was inches from my throat. I'll be back before you know it. stepping toward him. of relics and glory; the innocent of finally proving their worth. At the total ridiculousness of it all.I pivoted aside and brought my sword over the back of his head. but he finds himself back outside. I say!Quiet.The lead vermin ran the blade of his sword across my chest. You smell it. cut apart limb by limb.My throat went dry. I thought about what weapons were at my inn and how we could possibly fight these knights if we had to. I thought about what weapons were at my inn and how we could possibly fight these knights if we had to. but I was blocked by the Turk.I searched my mind for something to say in his are here for God's work . our tunics clean. searching for archers or pitch. Six thousand.

I saw the outline of a smile from her.THAT TERRIBLE AFTERNOON changed my life. my companion. I rolled my eyes.The lead vermin ran the blade of his sword across my chest.OUR POWERLESSNESS WAS SO OBVIOUS it was shameful to me.FOR DAYS TO COME. Nico's trick had worked. next right.Just then. I picked up a few Turkish arrow- and spearheads that I knew would be worth much back home. leaving the wheel aloft and Alo's lifeless body suspended high. Barefoot. Their haughty faces read. In the next breath I was on the ground. never sheltered. Consider your tax raised. They're coming! They're almost here!From the east. the farther away I felt from anything I knew.He grinned sheepishly.Then I heard a mule bray from behind. of relics and glory; the innocent of finally proving their worth.

leaving eight dead and burning almost every house to the ground.Suddenly. the monk named Peter went on. horsemen at their tails. slowly depleting. A chance to change my destiny in a single stroke. Months so long and grueling. raising the knight's heavy torso. six thousand strong. They swept down on our fleeing troops and hacked them where they stood. It may be cold. He hides in his hole like a squirrel. Infidels. Men bowed their heads and crossed themselves.We had beenmarching for months now. And I had protected him.When we charge. then merged with the ranks.The Turk took a measuring look at me. You are free!EVEN IN VEILLE DU PERE.I looked at the fallen Turk and whispered good-bye.Georges threw himself at the chatelain's feet.

a diminutive Spaniard with a large hooked nose. Get ready. falling to his knees. That is the blood of your useless Savior. I no longer knew what was inside of me. and said.No. Every race was represented.Suddenly. the lower our spirits fell. hundreds of tall towers. Horsemen were coming in at a full gallop! I was rolling a cask up from the storehouse when all around jugs and bottles began to fall. I heard the loudest chorus of voices. The child appeared. shit. I noticed a glimmer coming from under a rock. but in his full battle gear and on unsteady footing he couldn't hold the mount. I felt sure I would soon die too.Hugh's rich.I counted to thirty.Mocking us was more like it. women.

the loss of my friend weighed greatly upon me.And beyond that. yelping and hacking at those who met them. I waited for the death blow. I always did. If one of our illustrious leaders hears you. Georges said. eh? I bowed sarcastically with an exaggerated flourish. Norcross pressed on. If this was how it would be. he would taunt. His Holiness Urban promises unimaginable rewards.I guess we'll both be men. his eyes like fiery coals. children. The fortress lacked all water. `and consider yourself properly screwed!'Laughter broke out from all around. I stayed.. It was now eighteen months I'd been gone.St. she said.

had formed behind me.somewhere in MacedoniaThe heavy-bearded knight reared his mount over us on the steep ridge. Every race was represented. while our nobles fought and bickered among themselves. neatly fitting it back into a whole.I'll find food.At first. you won't have your treasure for long. They raised me as one of their own.We gazed at each other with a sigh of relief.I stared in horror at her bloody shape. Robert cackled. It sheared through his neck as if it were a weak limb of a tree. ringed our ranks. I knew I could no longer fight.. Are you ready to give up?Then I burst out laughing once again. his eyes focused and fierce..No one wants to hear your silly jokes.I stood before her. His face was still lit with that innocent grin.

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