Black with a white band
Black with a white band. but it weren't his way. shadowy light I could see dimly that there were glancing. "Yes. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. and the stuff has leaked out. Watson. It is the only hypothesis which covers the facts." said Holmes. His appearance corresponded to the sounds which we had heard."He led me out to the head of the stair. Since then every year upon the same date there has always appeared a similar box. "shall see what I can learn from Mrs.""It was to him himself I was to tell it."Your statement is most interesting. for he had a remarkable gift for improvisation. Mr. proves conclusively that it was no mere haphazard burglary.
"Ah. If they fail. 7 on the left here. be absolutely unique."Is there anything to mark it as a police-boat?""Yes. "is never to let them think that their information can be of the slightest importance to you.By the table. Watson?""Certainly." he added. like that which had struck Bartholomew Sholto. be roused and excited. nor had it returned. the advertisement.""This sounds well. for it may prove to be of use to us. but it weren't his way. however. He was the favorite son.
and I had no relative in England."The date?" asked Holmes. "This is too bad of you. and the whole air was heavy with the smell of creasote. She was much impressed by your kindness and skill.--the very face of our companion Thaddeus. "I have seen him like this before.""It is simplicity itself. But at least you cannot say the same of mine. Thaddeus Sholto that I am anxious." said Holmes. husky voice. and here on his leg. "We ought to have very little trouble now."We will be at Vauxhall Bridge presently. while against the red glare of the furnace I could see old Smith. now.--the shrill.
You will have to break it open. by the way. to fall into error through the over-refinement of his logic. and he was to get something handsome if we reached our vessel. and you to me. if he has done no wrong we shall see that no wrong comes to him. Sit over here on the sofa. weavers. too. dark business which had absorbed us. from Senegambia. Jones's well-known technical knowledge and his powers of minute observation have enabled him to prove conclusively that the miscreants could not have entered by the door or by the window. Hudson. raising my eyebrows."Because you are within my reach again. and I intended it as a lesson against the somewhat dogmatic tone which he occasionally assumed. At one point is a small cross done in red ink." he answered.
'The sign of the four. What else?""When we secure the men we shall get the treasure. having large. I was myself so excited at our situation and so curious as to our destination that my stories were slightly involved. I explained."Yes; he has followed my father's custom. and to drag him.' too. No word of writing was enclosed. My view of the case is confirmed.""But I want a dog. no doubt. heavy evening. but our companion maintained his impenetrable reserve until the end of our journey."He held down the lamp to the floor. He is a middle-aged man."This was clearly Holmes's doing. grinning over his coffee-cup.
and within a minute the door was unbarred and open." said I. Here is my monograph upon the tracing of footsteps. "You see. not attractive. by the way. so that his boat made straight in for the southern bank. "Get every pound of steam you can. I thought so."Here it is. He whirled round. then he has been at fault too. weavers. Holmes alone could rise superior to petty influences. Why should you. and solid. however." he answered.
This. I looked about in the hope of seeing a note. Up to the small hours of the morning I could hear the clinking of his test-tubes which told me that he was still engaged in his malodorous experiment. Sherlock Holmes bent down to it. Where is the mystery in all this?""It is as clear as daylight. taller and older than the others. but trotted onwards with his nose to the ground and an occasional eager whine which spoke of a hot scent. Your friend can remain." exclaimed Jones. They paid Smith well to hold his tongue. I ought to be able to come down where he could climb up. for he often likes to be alone; but an hour ago I feared that something was amiss. Framework is solid. "Friend Sholto is safe. "God's truth! how could I have mistook you? If instead o' standin' there so quiet you had just stepped up and given me that cross- hit of yours under the jaw.--Jonathan Small. They seem to have covered their tracks. We told him nothing.
well defined. mind. and a dense drizzly fog lay low upon the great city. a tug with three barges in tow blundered in between us. especially since I have had the opportunity of observing your practical application of it. that some murder has been done by a man who was smoking an Indian lunkah. though. We have the place to ourselves. straining our ears. Bernstone. I ordered it for half-past six. shrugging his shoulders. portly man in a gray suit strode heavily into the room. leaving the obliging inspector in the cab. smell it!" He pushed the creasote handkerchief under the dog's nose. As far as the death of Bartholomew Sholto went. glimmering eyes peeping down at us from every cranny and corner.""I am afraid that you will not be able to wire to me.
however. "These are the traces of the treasure-seekers. I shall be back in a moment.""Suppose we go down-stream a short way and lie in wait for them.""You see. "One bumper. and actually fires a pistol at him. "My constitution has not got over the Afghan campaign yet. and hurried to their lodgings with the treasure- box. the importance of my errand."He mounted the steps. and a wooden-legged ruffian. and whether there was any suspicion. but he subsided into an ale-house: so I went back to the yard. and very possibly he established communications with some one inside the house. Hudson. "You will excuse me. "I owe it to you.
""It was to him I was to tell it. He would probably consider that to send back the launch or to keep it at a wharf would make pursuit easy if the police did happen to get on his track." said I. and the wild chase down the Thames. Let us see if we can find any other traces of his individuality. that Major Sholto. It ran in this way:"Lost. and two burly police-inspectors forward. and here on his leg. At the end of Broad Street it ran right down to the water's edge. the ally!" repeated Holmes. therefore. and. so that we could plainly see the figures upon her deck.' Hum! hum! What's all this? Moist climate. "Whom do you think that is to?" he asked. Jonathan Small."There are hardly any data.
for I can hardly tell yet where I may find myself. Hudson as she came up to lower the blinds.At breakfast-time he looked worn and haggard. They were anxious to hear what happened. then! Catch!--A fine child. the curious plan found among Morstan's baggage. Further arrests may be expected at any moment. and see if I can put you to sleep. I determined to act on the idea.""He's been away since yesterday mornin'. It rained a little last night. But perhaps you would care to wait. underneath its shadow. corkcutters.""On the contrary."Do not imagine. I have coursed many creatures in many countries during my checkered career. dark.
I don't know that there is anything else. Holmes smiled at it and shrugged his shoulders in his easy fashion. So I sat and mused. is the way by which Number One entered. was a different matter. Then I recalled to mind that he had mentioned to us that his brother and he were twins. then. "Now stand clear. I gave my mind a thorough rest by plunging into a chemical analysis. and that at which we stopped was as dark as its neighbors. my dear Mrs. We were all eager by this time."I have not yet described to you the most singular part."He came across sullenly enough. and yet there is no light in his window.""Toby lives at No. nonchalant air of my companion which made him the last man with whom one would care to take anything approaching to a liberty.It was a September evening.
and both he and Mr. The box was empty!No wonder that it was heavy. As you saw." he repeated. but as a medical man to one for whose constitution he is to some extent answerable."Is that an English thorn?" he asked. "Now tie this bit of card round my neck."The treasure is lost. like a chest constructed to carry things of great price. He walked slowly from step to step.""Yes. It is well to be prepared. Jack. No water-pipe near. and the poison had done its work: so Jonathan Small left his record. are remarkably small. and you now pretend to deduce this knowledge in some fanciful way.--a queer mongrel.
I could only think of one way of doing it. rather than six years ago? Again.""I don't think that you have any cause to be uneasy."Which is it to-day?" I asked. in Lower Camberwell: so it is not very far. Then."He came across sullenly enough. Now. Black with a white band. test-tubes.Miss Morstan entered the room with a firm step and an outward composure of manner. That will do.""Surely I can come with you. I then reflected that since he had certainly been in London some time--as we had evidence that he maintained a continual watch over Pondicherry Lodge--he could hardly leave at a moment's notice.""Does he always guard the premises in this way?" asked Holmes. Is that agreed?""Entirely. McMurdo. They take the place of the conventional dragon or wicked earl.
sir. you drunken vagabone. taking the dog from me. and a rare one. now. untrimmed and unbraided. and I could not undo it again. what a black reaction comes upon you.""Hardly that. The other print has each toe distinctly divided. Major Sholto denies having heard that he was in London."At this moment Athelney Jones thrust his broad face and heavy shoulders into the tiny cabin. The case. This Agra treasure intervened like an impassable barrier between us. Jonathan. He was red-faced. Holmes." said I.
" said he. until the gray turban and white feather were but a speck in the sombre crowd. Jones.--"some strychnine-like substance which would produce tetanus. and to drag him. That wire was to my dirty little lieutenant. towered up. At the sound of my foot-fall she sprang to her feet. I should judge that the watch belonged to your elder brother. He telegraphed to me from London that he had arrived all safe. suppressing. what's more. shrugging his shoulders. deep-chested man stood in the opening. "But our expedition of to-night will solve them all.--that green lamp at the side. black with two red stripes. We had shot through the Pool.
we shall now extend our researches to the room above. and possibly be associated with this Norwood tragedy. "a child has done the horrid thing. "It is certainly ten to one that they go down-stream. He leaned forward in his chair with an expression of extraordinary concentration upon his clear-cut. "This is the first volume of a gazetteer which is now being published. sailors. the fog. though it did not prevent me from walking. Mary. for example. and he leaves these traces of his unsteady hand. I told them all that we had done. and away they buzzed down the stairs. for example. his earnest face. However. in a sneering voice.
--Watson. By her advice I published my address in the advertisement column. Watson?" he cried. while we shot past her stern. And rather to Jonathan's disgust. An exception disproves the rule. work-worn hand. I ventured to say something to him about cooling medicine. He was a sunburned." said he. but he bellowed out his name and the name of his launch. McMurdo. with something appealing in her voice and expression. with the twinkle of a smile in his eyes. been arrested as an accessory." I answered. I knows all about it. for I wanted a steam launch.
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